Congratulations, fellow AtoZ Challenge participants! We made it! *pops virtual champagne cork* Thanks to all who visited during this busy month! I applaud all of you who dove in and gave it your all.
When I was younger, I wanted to identify with one spiritual practice and went on a search for what that would be. I entered churches where people got saved, and I entered churches where people stood up and gave each other psychic readings. I have done a vision quest and Native American sweat lodges. I studied Catholicism for a while. Eventually I converted to Judaism, but even that wore thin for me.
I wanted to belong to something. I longed for that community of like-minded spiritual practitioners. I just never found that in organized religion.
These days, I can honestly say I have found a measure of peace in my life. I say “measure,” because I live with a certain existential discontent. At some level, that’s how I’m wired. Restlessness and curiosity are part of my nature. I don’t mind, though, and one could say I have found peace even with that discontent in place.
That peace, that zen, happens when I spend time in nature. Whether I’m on a hike or digging up weeds, this is where I discover myself, where I am calm, where I am most alive. As I work out garden problems, I work out plot problems, too. Writing and gardening, for me, are entwined.
It’s been an honor to share my garden zen with you this month. I applaud the organizers and many volunteers who have made the AtoZ Challenge so rewarding and fun. I honor all of you fellow bloggers for your content. You have made me laugh, cry, and think. Thank you!
I hope some of you will stay with me on this journey. I won’t always write about the garden, but the themes you have seen here will show up in other forms.
If you have enjoyed what you’ve read, please consider purchasing one of my books listed below. I never do a hard sell, but shame on me if I don’t mention them.
In yoga, we join the palms of our hands together at our hearts and bow to each other. We say “Namaste,” loosely meaning, “I bow to the divine in you.” Namaste, and I hope we will meet again.
The Foreign Language of Friends
When a Grandchild Dies: What to Do, What to Say, How to Cope
Patchwork & Ornament: A Woman’s Journey of Life, Love, and Art by Jeanette Feldman (edited by Nadine Galinsky Feldman) — to purchase this book, please send me a message on the “Contact Me” page.
Oh Nadine… please go to my family section and read my story, “Acceptance.” Your post here absolutely hit home on numerous levels. I definitely will be a cyber follower and look forward to reading more. Congratulations on surviving the Challenge. I am so tickled to have met you.
Now, the sun is out… go enjoy the peace within your garden. I have streetwalking to do. 😉
Wow, Gwynn, I just read your story. Though I knew some of it, this went into much more detail about your brother. Powerful stuff. You are a fine writer, and you have so many stories to tell! You may be a streetwalker, but you are the Queen, no doubt!
We have opened the doors and windows, and I worked in the garden early today with another visit coming this afternoon. It is heavenly today.
Great end, Nadine! I’ve enjoyed your blog (after I finally found it *blushes*) and thanks for all your support on mine.
Thanks, Anabel! I know I didn’t make it easy to find me, and I made a few adjustments after the first time you contacted me. *clinking glasses for virtual toast*
It’s been a long month, but we made it. Congrats on surviving the challenge! 🙂
Thanks, and right back at you! Whew!
Thanks! Whew! We did it! *high fives*
I can’t believe I’m just now seeing where you are located! I have very good friends who live in Port Townsend, David and Casey Gluckman and Randy and Jeanne Welle. I’d be surprised if you knew them, but still! As usual, I’m happy to have found your blog. I like your happy face photo and appreciate your equating gardening/writing together, because I do to. Glad you made it through the A to Z! I’ve enjoyed your blog and the theme and thank you for dropping by mine as well! See you during reflections…? Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @
Thanks for the kind words — and thanks for your hard work as co-host. I’ve been so impressed with how well-run this challenge was. I don’t know your friends, but I’ve just lived here for three years and am still meeting people…plus, I often know faces better than names. I’ll be there for reflections!
It was fun visiting your garden during the challenge. Congrats for getting to Z.
~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Member of C. Lee’s Muffin Commando Squad
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author
Thanks, Patricia! Best of luck to you and many thanks for your support and hard work this month.
Congrats on reaching the A to Z finishing line!
Thanks for your entertaining posts!
It was nice to meet you, Nadine!
Keep in touch! 🙂
Michelle, you’ve been such a support throughout the month. I can’t tell you what that means to me. We will definitely stay in touch!
We made it to the letter Z! Congrats! and great to meet you Nadine.
Stephen Tremp
A to Z Co-host
Z is for Zombie
Thanks, Stephen! I really appreciate your frequent visits and all your hard work.
I have used your blog as an example of how to do it right in my Reflection for the AtoZChallenge. Look forward to following you into your next gig.
Thank you so much for including my blog on yours! I really appreciate it, as well as all your support throughout the month.