We interrupt this regularly scheduled book review column because exciting things are happening with The Factory Girl and the Fey!
First, my copyeditor, Esther White, has completed her diligent work, and I am making the final tweaks to the manuscript based on her guidance. Kudos to Esther for her help!
Next, I have a cover! Happy dance! Lynne Hansen has outdone herself this time, and I can’t wait to share it. The good folks at Historical Virtual Book Tours will soon reveal the cover, and I can’t wait!
I’ll spend the rest of the month tidying up the manuscript, and I plan to put it on NetGalley by mid-July for advance reviews.
It’s definitely crunch time with all of this happening, but I’m very excited! I’m proud of this book and in the coming weeks will share more details about it. For more information or to add it to your Goodreads list, click here.