Thursday Blog Shout-Out

I’m feeling a bit guilty. I might have been tough on the guys a few days ago when I ranted about how we women often don’t take time for ourselves, while our male counterparts just go do their thing. If anything, I think we should admire the guys for that and even emulate that behavior — so I hope that my male readers will know that I never intend to “bash” men.

Anyway, it’s Thursday, and time for a blog shout-out. Normally I focus on women, since that is my primary audience, but since I am feeling a tad guilty, I want to recommend a guy’s blog that I consider worthy. One of his posts made me cry, and anyone who can move me with his or her words gets my vote!

So please go visit Brad the Dad to get a parenting perspective from the male point of view.  My own hubby is and has been an involved father, so I appreciate all the hard-working dads out there who don’t see child-rearing as “woman’s work.”

BLOG NEWS: Next week I will be in a virtual yoga conference, so I’m going to take a break and will be back on Monday, February 13th! “See” you soon!

Time for a Blog Recommendation!

It’s Thursday, so it’s that time again to talk about someone else’s blog for a change! I always check my Twitter feed for people who are doing interesting things, and I’m never disappointed.

This week’s recommendation is Aging Abundantly, a great website for the over-50 set. It is so chock-full of information and inspiration that I won’t even try to sort it out here! Suffice to say that if you visit the site, you’ll find anything and everything you want to know about enjoying this stage of our lives!

I’m keeping things short today. I’m finishing the latest revisions to Blood and Loam in hopes of getting it into the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest, and I have a lot to do! At least I finally know, after a number of rewrites, the way it needs to end. It’s had an ending all along, and that doesn’t change, but my method of getting there is changing — and that’s a good thing. I finally feel satisfied that I am doing my absolute best!

Have a great weekend! I’ll be back on Monday.