A few weeks ago, after a rain, hubby and I ran into the woods in the hopes of gathering some chanterelle mushrooms. A friend of mine had collected three pounds of them, and I had mushroom envy.
Unfortunately, I either picked a bad spot or one that others in the know had already found — not a mushroom to be had! Still, we had a good time, hiking and munching on wild blackberries along the way.
Fast forward to a week later and the local Farm Tour. There’s something special about chatting with the farmers who raise our food and seeing where it grows. Each farm had booths where we could buy all sorts of goodies, from the edible to the handmade.
A couple of enterprising young girls caught my attention. They had baked cookies, zucchini bread, and other delicious morsels, so of course we had to partake! And there they were…bags of fresh chanterelles, just picked by one of the girls. My lack of foraging skills was the gain for a young entrepreneur.
Since then, this “lesson” has played out in other ways…with a movie ticket mix-up that ended up working in our favor, and an episode with roma tomatoes. I’d placed a big order with a local supplier, only to have it fall through…but ended up with some lovely canning tomatoes from one of my favorite local farms.
When life brings me the same lesson repeatedly in a short time, I like to pay attention. What is it that I need to see from all of this? The answer that comes to me is “community.” When people find ways to work together, magic happens.
If only our government understood this…
Ah, yes, if only! Wonderful things happen when we work together. When we let go of what we thought was best for us when life takes a different direction. When we share.
That is an awesome photo! It’s not often that you get to see both ends of the rainbow.
Funny, but it took me a while to understand the thread that ran through each incident. On the larger scale, it somehow seems that “community” and “we’re all in this together” gets twisted into some scary (communist) thing. Not only do we all need each other, but it’s a lot more fun when we’re working together.